Final Reflection
I was not thrilled to take this class. I always hated writing because I was never really good at it. When I transferred to Florida State...
Project III - Blog
I created a blog with personal stories, hotlines, and a gallery for people who may suffer from a poor self-image. Viewers and subscribers...
Project III - Pinterest Board
I have compiled a few boards about body positivity to uplift people who are struggling with image issues and eating disorders Link:...
Project III - Snapchat Filter
Since Snapchat is a popular social media network, I decided to create a geofilter so people could take "snaps" and use the filter to...
Project III: Pitch
For my project three I intend on creating three genres: a Wix site, a flyer, and a snap chat filter. For the Wix site, I plan on having...
Blog Post XI
The topic that I had written for both project one and two is something that I feel like will impact others just like it had to me. The...
Blog Post X
I really enjoyed looking through other student’s project three. Some of genres were quite interesting, but it was a lot of the same ones...
Blog Post IX
When I was reading the chapter in BBG I realized that the best way to get my message and my thoughts regarding body dissatisfaction out...
Social Media on Body Dissatisfaction
Social media has made a lasting impression on society for the past decade. In a booming generation of advanced and readily available...
Master Annotated Bibliography
Bessenoff, G. R. (2006). Can the media affect us? Social comparison, self-discrepancy, and the thin ideal. Psychology of Women Quarterly,...