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Blog Post XI

The topic that I had written for both project one and two is something that I feel like will impact others just like it had to me. The Wikipedia page had a lot of facts in regards to viral marketing. The ins and outs and years of lectures and literature fit into in a small webpage for an easy cheat sheet for us to utilize for project three. Some of the key things I have picked up through the years include objectivity in order to appeal to audiences. For instance, you are more likely to have something go viral if it can apply to anyone in different situations. For example, you are a post would most likely go viral if you post something along the lines of “men are trash” because many people can relate their personal experiences with men rather than posting an inside joke between you and your best friend. This is how we should go about presenting our project three genres. When I go about publishing my pieces, I will keep in mind the objectivity. Even though social media’s effect on body dissatisfaction is a very broad topic that applies to most people, allowing their different stories impact the decisions they make is the most import part of viral marketing.

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