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A Letter I Never Sent You

I keep writing about you. They tell me my words are beautiful, and I don't know why. Maybe because I wrote them for you. But what they don't understand is what you don't know. I stare at blank pages and open Microsoft word documents and all I feel is pure rage, frustration, and utter sadness because nothing that I write comes close to how I feel. If actions could be translated into words, I would write about me fighting back tears because I subconsciously drove to your apartment again when I meant to go to the chapter room. I would write about having to change the song on my pandora station whenever lil uzi came on because that poster on your wall was the second thing I would wake up to in the morning besides you holding onto me. I would write about running four miles with tears streaming down my face just thinking about the exact moment that you fell out of love with me, then I would stop in my tracks and collapse because I could not stomach the fact that I never had you in the first place. I would write about how much I love when my ESPN app would go off and see that Russell Westbrook scored another triple double, because I know you are jumping up and down where every you are. I would write about the emptiness I feel when I watch you on her snapchat story and you are doing just fine without me in your life. You look so happy. I'm not a jealous person, but I have never experienced so much envy. I would write about how my eyes are burning and my body feels empty and hollow at 4 am because I had taken sleeping pills and despite my body shutting down, my mind is going in a million different directions because I could not understand why you wanted an out so badly, but you couldn't even tell me why. Being up that late was only fun with you. I wish you were still around. I would write about how I don't know how to end this letter, how to stop feeling like absolute shit.

About Me:


I am undergraduate student studying psychology at Florida State University. I am from West Palm Beach, Florida who just moved to Tallahassee from Auburn, Alabama. You can most likely find me curled up watching The Office drinking an extra large cup of pike roast. I hope you all enjoy the content from my ENC 2135 and some of my favorite quotes and my own writing on my About Me page.. Thank you! Go Noles and War Eagle!


Kaycee Hair

Favorite Quotes

- she was a person you wouldn't be surprised to find sitting by herself in a corner of the world where she didn't belong, writing things in a notebook to prevent the rise of panic


-I want to throw a party for the heartbreak that turned you into a poet


- I, who have seen you amid the primal things, was angry when they spoke your name in ordinary places.


- do not spend your life searching for a place to call home. Make the bones in your skeleton the only structure you need


- in a society that profits from your self doubt, liking yourself is a rebellious act

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