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I really enjoyed looking through other student’s project three. Some of genres were quite interesting, but it was a lot of the same ones over and over again. I saw a girl selling water bottles and I particularly liked how she put her topic into motion. She posted in her class Facebook page saying that if you buy the water bottle, one would be donated.
It gave me a lot of insight of what I want to do for my project three. I loved even looking out the layouts of past student’s pages. My organizational nerve was being tickled while looking through this. I actually want to make a wix site for one of my genres for project three with inspirational quotes and poems with a page filled with hotline numbers for suicide prevention, etc. I am excited to start working on my project three after seeing all of the other creative ideas. I plan on making a Instagram page about loving the skin you are in, the wix page, and flyers to put on the inside of the women’s bathroom stalls about body dissatisfaction and the horrors of eating disorders.